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Coupon: PEACE24
Sale Ends 12-24-2024
(*Valid on Orders $125+. Not valid on Books Only. One discount per person & per order. Free shipping on orders of $250+, including discounts.)
We are wishing you and your loved ones happy & healthy holidays!
CDR has replaced its Approved Provider program, which approved businesses, with Prior Approval of individual self-study courses for three years. We switched to the Prior Approval program February 23rd, 2023. All courses on our website have been approved for credit by CDR. New expiration dates, activity numbers, and performance indicators are listed on each product page. Other CDR changes include: using the book word count to determine the CE hours for a course, and calculating to the 1/4 hour.
All paper versions of our courses expired May 31, 2024 and we have moved to all online tests! The one exception is our Free Ethics Course, which will continue to be a paper test.
We are proud to offer over 135 exceptional nutrition-related courses to inspire practitioners and help improve the public's health. Thank you for your patience as we made these changes, and for trusting Helm Publishing with your continuing education needs!
We've moved to a new website system. Existing customers who are new to this site: when you login or checkout, please click the “Activate My Account” button and follow the steps to set a new password. After that, simply login as you usually do. If you need assistance, please contact service@helmpublishing.com.
There is a brief 15 min. delay between when an online test order is placed and when the course is available in our Online Test System.
A PDF of your test questions may be downloaded in the Online Test Center under Additional References within your course.
Our office is open 9am-3:30pm M-TH and 9am-12pm F Central.
Nutrition Edge
Nutrition Edge On Reach MD →
Kathy King, RDN, has created a series of nutrition-related interviews for physicians and other health professionals. Topics include integrative medicine, chronic disease prevention, medical genetics, and agricultural science.
Crafting Picture-Perfect Plates: A Guide to Professional Food Styling →
With social media and digital platforms playing a significant role in how food is consumed and shared, understanding the fundamentals of food styling is essential for recipe developers. Raeanne Sarazen,...
What People are Saying About Helm Publishing →
Experts are thrilled with the service and products provided by Helm Publishing! Testimonials from Susannah Lacagnina, MPH, RD, CDE; Lisa Lovejoy, RD; and Nancy Nevin-Folino, Med, RD, CSP, LD, FADA.