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Handbook of Nutrition and the Kidney, 7th Edition

Handbook of Nutrition and the Kidney, 7th Edition

In-depth research and nutrition therapies for patients with chronic kidney disease, hemodialysis, peritoneal, and kidney transplants. We have carried this book since the 5th ed.—very popular with the experienced practitioner. Each chapter contains tables and figures that enable readers to find essential information quickly. Each book purchase has an eBook download.

This book is pocket-sized, tall and slender, and the font is smaller. However, to accommodate readers who want a larger font or to have the capability to search topics, an eBook is also included for download with each book purchase.


Very good information; confident of accuracy & timeliness. Will be utilized/applied. 5/16/2020

I would recommend this course to colleagues. GL 8/2020

Dr. Alp Ikizler and Dr. William Mitch and 48 contributors
Course Expiration Date: Feb-22-2027
Course Performance Indicators: 4.1.2, 6.2.3, 8.1.4, 10.2.2
Product Name

Book Only (760)

Regular price $70.00 $70.00

15 CE Online Test Only (761)

Regular price $125.00

33.25 CE Online Test Only (762)

Regular price $200.00

15 CE Book & Online Test (763)

Regular price $190.00

33.25 CE Book & Online Test (764)

Regular price $265.00

Book Details

Author Dr. Alp Ikizler and Dr. William Mitch and 48 contributors
Year Published 2017
Edition 7th Edition
Publisher Lippincott, Wolters, Kluwer
ISBN 978-1496355812
Format Paperback
Page Count 272
CDR Activity Numbers
  • 15 CE Online Test Only: 181623
  • 33.25 CE Online Test Only: 181622
  • 15 CE Book & Online Test: 181623
  • 33.25 CE Book & Online Test: 181622

Course Objectives

Level 3 CPE

CPE Type: 740 for Web-based/Online Tests

Upon successful completion, the users will be able to:

1. List five effects of chronic kidney disease on metabolism, hormones, and lipid abnormalities.

2. Explain the physiological functions of sodium, calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D.

3. Summarize the nutrition therapy used to delay progression of chronic kidney disease.

4. Describe four lifestyle risk factors for chronic kidney disease and the physiological processes that contribute to CKD.

5. Identify the three most important considerations in nutritional support for acute renal failure.

6. Distinguish how a patient’s diet changes when beginning and maintaining life on hemodialysis.

7. Compare and contrast two nutritional considerations that are different between helping a patient on hemodialysis versus peritoneal dialysis.

8. Describe four nutritional requirements of kidney transplant patients.

9. Give three considerations when discussing obesity and CKD.

10. Explain how kidney stones are formed and two possible interventions to reduce the incidence of forming a stone.

Recommended For...

Registered Dietitian (RD/RDN)
Dietetics Technician Registered (DTR/NDTR)
Certified Diabetes Care & Education Specialists (CDCES)
Registered Nurse (RN)
Integrative & Functional Nutrition Academy Professional
American College of Sports Medicine

Why We Chose This Book

We have carried this book since the 5 edition. It is highly regarded by the experienced renal practitioner.  

About the Author

Dr. Alp Ikizler

Dr. William Mitch