Health Professional's Guide to Dietary Supplements (CHES)

Health Professional's Guide to Dietary Supplements (CHES)

This course is only for CHES practitioners.

Fantastic resource for all nutrition practitioners who work in wellness, sports, or acute care! Educate yourself on supplements patients are taking or those you want to suggest. Over 132 contributing authors who are experts in their field.

This book is written and reviewed by expert practitioners, researchers, and educators. It covers over 100 popular dietary supplements. Each supplement discussion includes suggested intakes, side effects of excessive intake, sources and availability, interactions, and current knowledge on how the supplement may affect health and disease prevention.

Program I.D. #SS114228_GTDSS     CHES 22 Hours / MCHES 12.5 Hours

Taylor Wallace, PhD, CFS, FACN, Editor
Course Expiration Date: Oct-10-2027
Course Performance Indicators: 1.1.5, 1.7.5, 3.1.3, 4.1.2, 4.2.6, 8.2.2, 8.4.1, 8.4.2, 10.3.4, 10.4.2, 10.4.4, 10.4.7
Product Name

Book Only (2940)

Regular price $87.00 $87.00

34.5 CE Online Test Only (2941CHES)

Regular price $213.00

34.5 CE Book & Online Test (2942CHES)

Regular price $295.00

Book Details

Author Taylor Wallace, PhD, CFS, FACN, Editor
Year Published 2024
Edition 1st
Publisher Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
ISBN 978-0880912044
Format Paperback
Page Count 675
CDR Activity Numbers
  • 34.5 CE Online Test Only: 185333
  • 34.5 CE Book & Online Test: 185333

Course Objectives

CHES Competencies for 34.5 Hour Course -  22 Hours

1.2.4 procure secondary data

1.2.3 Conduct a literature review

1.2.6 Identify Data Gaps

MCHES Competencies for 34.5 Hour Course - 12.5 MCHES Hours

4.4.7 Develop recommendations based on findings

2.3.3 Assess the effectiveness and alignment of existing interventions to desired outcomes

RDN Level 1 & 2 CE

RDN CPE Type: 741 Self-Study Enduring 

Upon successful completion, the users will be able to:

  1. Discuss the approximate number of Americans who regularly use supplements, and what the most popular supplement is.
  2. Explain the contraindications for the following: β-carotene for smokers, high-dose biotin, black cohosh, butterbur, uncooked elderberry, ginger, and manganese.
  3. Discuss the positive physiological results of using each of the following: CBD, capsaicin, hydrolyzed collagen, cranberries, creatine monohydrate, echinacea, and garlic.
  4. Explain the need for folic acid before and during pregnancy and the recommended dosage.
  5. Discuss the importance of glucosamine to health and identify the supplement that can increase its level in the body.
  6. Describe two negative side effects of excessive intake of green tea extract-based supplements and drinking very hot green tea (over 54 degrees C).
  7. Discuss two considerations with taking iodine supplements.
  8. Explain the health benefit of the following: multivitamin to cancer, omega-3, EPA, plant sterols, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, and SAMe.
  9. Identify the recommended range of daily protein intake for patients with serious pressure ulcers and identify two ways it heals the condition.
  10. Discuss how taking selenium supplements might increase the risk for type 2 diabetes.
  11. Discuss the process by which a mineral is needed to help restore thiamine status in patients with alcohol use disorder.
  12. Describe the compounds needed for the absorption of curcumin or vitamin B12, respectively.
  13. Discuss how zinc affects age-related macular degeneration progression.

Recommended For...

Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES)

Why We Chose This Book

Our profession has dietary supplements in its scope of practice and as such the public expects us to know what they do or where to look them up. This book is a wonderful step in the right direction.

About the Author

Taylor Wallace, PhD, CFS, FACN, editor, is CEO of Think Health Group, Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor, George Washington University, Adjunct Associate Professor, Tufts University, and Editor of the Journal of Dietary Supplements, Washington, DC.