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Intuitive Eating Fourth Edition

Intuitive Eating, 4th Edition

Helm Publishing is proud to be the only authorized provider of The Original Intuitive Eating Certification program offered by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. Our 46 CE course is Step 1 of the Certification, which includes all products necessary to complete the course: Book, 46 CE Online Test, Coaching Audio Book, Workbook, & Two Recorded Webinars.


NEW for people who just want to learn more about IE before they go for Certification, we offer the book and only its questions for a 26 CE hour course, called Part A. If you decide at some point you want to go for the Certification, the 20 CE Part B course covers the remaining test questions on the Coaching Audio Book, Workbook & Two Recorded Webinars.

Exciting new 4th edition book by the original Intuitive Eating Pros! Over 700,000 copies sold!  Worldwide credibility with over 2,200 Certified counselors in 60 countries. Use the IE counseling strategies to help your chronically dieting clients make peace with their food, rediscover the pleasures of enjoying mealtime and food, and free themselves from dieting forever. Over 200 evidence-based studies worldwide show the effectiveness of IE counseling, including a recent meta-analysis which found many psychological benefits of IE.

After buying the course, print a copy of the questions (in Online Test Login or within the testing site under Additional References) to use as you read the book and listen to the Coaching Audio Book and watch the webinars. Go online and fill in the answers—click Complete. Course must be passed with 70% or higher. Because there are a few fill-in answers, it must be hand graded, which usually takes 2 business days. You will be sent an email when the test is graded; go to your online account to complete the Evaluation and to download a copy of your Certificate of Completion under Achievements. If you fail to pass, you can buy the test again.

These recorded webinars are shared by EDRD Pro exclusively for this course. If you're interested in more continuing education webinars on eating disorders, disordered eating, and Intuitive Eating consider EDRD Pro Membership at EDRD Pro.

Three Key Steps Towards IE Certification: (Join the select network with over 2,200 practitioners worldwide.) 

Step 1. Helm Publishing's Online Course. Submit a copy of the Certificate to the IE office. $465

Step 2. Evelyn Tribole's IE PRO Webinar Training. See website: $425 to $495

Step 3. Three sessions of supervised coaching with either Elyse or Evelyn.  Go to  $395 to $600

Total Cost for Certification: $1,285 w/ group programs or $1,560 w/ individual supervision

*Prices subject to change.  

Evelyn Tribole, MS, RDN, CEDRD-S and Elyse Resch, MS, RDN, CEDRD-S, FAND
Course Expiration Date: Apr-18-2026
Course Performance Indicators: 1.3.3, 4.2.2, 4.2.6, 8.1.2, 9.2.4, 10.2.9, 12.3.1
Product Name

Book Only (1960)

Regular price $16.00 $16.00

46 CE Book, Online Test, Coaching Audio Book, Workbook, & 2 Recorded Webinars (1961)

Regular price $465.00

NO Book, 46 CE Online Test, Coaching Audio Book, Workbook, & 2 Recorded Webinars (1962)

Regular price $454.00

46 CE Online Test Only (1963)

Regular price $333.00 $0.00

2 Recorded Webinars (non-refundable) (1964)

Regular price $70.00 $70.00

Coaching Audio Book (non-refundable) (663)

Regular price $27.00 $27.00

Workbook (669)

Regular price $24.00 $24.00

26 CE Part A Book & Online Test (1965)

Regular price $205.00

26 CE Part A Online Test Only (1966)

Regular price $194.00

20 CE Part B Online Test, Coaching Audio Book, Workbook, & 2 Webinars (1967)

Regular price $260.00

20 CE Part B Online Test Only (1968)

Regular price $144.00

Book Details

Author Evelyn Tribole, MS, RDN, CEDRD-S and Elyse Resch, MS, RDN, CEDRD-S, FAND
Year Published 2020
Edition 4th Edition
Publisher St. Martin’s Essentials
ISBN 978-1250255198
Format Paperback
Page Count 400
CDR Activity Numbers
  • 46 CE Book, Online Test, Coaching Audio Book, Workbook, & 2 Recorded Webinars: 175921
  • NO Book, 46 CE Online Test, Coaching Audio Book, Workbook, & 2 Recorded Webinars: 175921
  • 46 CE Online Test Only: 175921
  • 26 CE Part A Book & Online Test: 175922
  • 26 CE Part A Online Test Only: 175922
  • 20 CE Part B Online Test, Coaching Audio Book, Workbook, & 2 Webinars: 175923
  • 20 CE Part B Online Test Only: 175923

Course Objectives

Level 1 & 2 CPE

CPE Type: 740 Online/Web-based Course

Upon completion of this course, practitioners will be able to:

1. Explain how interoceptive awareness is associated with Intuitive Eating and why it is called a superpower.

2. Describe and give an example of the principle of Honor your health with gentle nutrition.

3. Identify which attitude research has shown that people must adopt to eat intuitively.

4. Clarify why once a person has lost a large amount of weight, their metabolism is still blunted and they cannot afford to take in as much energy as predicted for a person their new size.

5. Name the first and most important principle of Intuitive Eating, according to the authors.

6. Contrast a person’s thoughts and behaviors between stages 3 and 5 of becoming an Intuitive Eater.

7. Describe how neuropeptides affect our appetite, willpower, hunger cues, and moods.

8. Identify, according to cellular researchers Nicolaidis and Evan, which parameter generates a person’s hunger signal.

9. Compare how a person feels on the classic hunger scale when they are at two versus seven.

10. Contrast the words a person uses with the following eating voices: Food Police, Nutrition Informant, and Diet Rebel.

11. List three problems with a person trying to achieve perfection as it relates to eating and weight.

12. Counsel clients on three ways to increase their pleasure with eating.

13. Describe the research to clients and colleagues why using a person’s BMI is not a proxy indicator of health.

14. Give two reasons why nutrition is discussed last in the Intuitive Eating program.

15. Contrast three elements of American versus Italian eating habits that influence satisfaction and hunger.

16. Counsel parents and give three strategies on how to raise their children as intuitive eaters.

17. Describe four additional Intuitive Eating counseling strategies to use with patients with eating disorders.

18. List the three p’s of learning to be an Intuitive Eater and tell why each is important.

19. Define self-compassion and give three examples.

20. Identify the first step in respecting your body as outlined by the authors, and state two reasons it is important.

Why We Chose This Book

Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch have developed a paradigm- changing counseling revolution that now has over 125 evidence-based studies to support its validity. We have carried the book since its first edition and will continue carrying it as it grows in popularity.

About the Author

Evelyn Tribole, MS, RDN, CEDRD-S, is an international speaker and award-winning registered dietitian with a nutrition counseling practice in Newport Beach, CA. She was the nutrition expert on Good Morning America and a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics for six years.

Elyse Resch, MS, RDN, CEDRD-S, FAND, is a nutrition therapist in private practice in Beverly Hills, CA with over thirty-eight years of experience specializing in eating disorders, Intuitive Eating, and Health at Every Size.