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Oncology Nutrition for Clinical Practice, 2nd ed.

Oncology Nutrition for Clinical Practice, 2nd ed.

Excellent book! Updated with evidence- and experience-based clinical practice application. Covers carcinogenesis, treatment, plus MNT for specific cancers, survivorship, and palliative care. All steps of the Nutrition Care Process are addressed. The second edition discusses nutritional effects of cancer treatments, including chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and radiation therapy. A new chapter covers medical cannabis for cancer symptom management. Appendixes offer summaries of evidence-based diets and alternative or unfounded diets for cancer prevention or treatment.

(The Academy offered an additional 12.5 CE quiz to accompany this book, but it was not renewed by the Academy and expired 4-15-24. This quiz was separate from Helm Publishing's course which has been approved for credit until March 4, 2027. Please contact the publication department at AND if you have any questions about the Academy quiz.)

Oncology Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group Book Editors: Anne Coble Voss, PhD, RDN, LDN and Valaree Williams, MS, RD, CSO, LDN, CNSC, FAND
Course Expiration Date: Mar-04-2027
Course Performance Indicators: 4.1.2, 8.1.1, 8.2.3, 10.4.2
Product Name

Book Only (2350)

Regular price $100.00 $100.00

26.75 CE Online Test Only (2352)

Regular price $185.00

26.75 CE Book & Online Test (2354)

Regular price $280.00

Book Details

Author Oncology Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group Book Editors: Anne Coble Voss, PhD, RDN, LDN and Valaree Williams, MS, RD, CSO, LDN, CNSC, FAND
Year Published 2021
Edition 2nd Edition
Publisher Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics
ISBN 978-0880910675
Format Paperback
Page Count 690
CDR Activity Numbers
  • 26.75 CE Online Test Only: 181704
  • 26.75 CE Book & Online Test: 181704

Course Objectives

Level 2 & 3 CPE

CPE Type: 740 for Web-based/Online Tests

Upon successful completion, the users will be able to:

1. Apply medical nutrition therapy in disease prevention and management for each oncology patient consulted.

2. Explain the metabolic protective benefits of antioxidants, folate, selenium, and curcumin as they relate to cancer cell development.

3. List six mechanisms through which bioactive food components influence carcinogenesis.

4. Identify five possible benefits of physical activity for cancer prevention or for cancer patients or cancer survivors.

5. Give four reasons dietary supplements are not recommended during active radiation or chemotherapy treatments.

6. Name six bioactive food compounds believed to have cancer-fighting properties, which are also available in functional food sources.

7. Describe how inflammation is associated with carcinogenesis and list two supplements/foods that are known to reduce inflammation.

8. Clarify the three-way interaction among carcinogen exposure, genotype, and diet with regards to risk of cancer, and give two examples of how food can reduce or increase risk.

9. List five uses or functions of biotherapy for cancer treatments.

10. Apply knowledge of MNT therapies by briefly explaining the following terms and giving two nutrition interventions for each: dysphagia, candidiasis, mucositis/ esophagitis, nausea/vomiting.

11. Identify three complications or contraindications for both enteral and parenteral nutrition.

12. Calculate the Estimated Energy Requirement for a child with cancer.

Recommended For...

Registered Dietitian (RD/RDN)
Dietetics Technician Registered (DTR/NDTR)
Integrative & Functional Nutrition Academy Professional
American College of Sports Medicine

Why We Chose This Book

We carried the 1st edition and it was very popular. The expertise and knowledge represented by the editors and Oncology Dietetic Practice Group make this book a must-read for practitioners in this area od practice.

About the Author

Oncology Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group Book Editors: Anne Coble Voss, PhD, RDN, LDN and Valaree Williams, MS, RD, CSO, LDN, CNSC, FAND